Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fruit Medley

Fruit for breakfast!
This quilt makes a beautiful wall hanging for a dining room. It brightens it up and makes for a cheerful place to be. It is also a great conversation peice.
The abstract part of this quilt are the circles within circles and they have been greatly discussed as to what they could be. Some say maybe olives, no, they must be grapes, or actually no, they must be something different. I just smile because they are really just circles - nothing more.
One person told me that it gives them a picture as to what's in my mind (hmmm! now it is my turn to question. Are they thinking, "just a bunch of wholes"? LOL) This one is sold but I saved my idea and could make it again if anyone would like one like it or even with different colors. Just post me a note. :0)

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